15 Temmuz 2014 Salı

İngilizce Ders 3

Elllo Audio Listening
Dream Job
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Metni okumadan önce beş defa dinleyin. Metni kabataslak okuyup konu hakkında fikir sahibi olduktan sonra beş defa daha dinleyin. Metni İngilizce-Türkçe ve Türkçe-İngilizce çift yönlü kelime, sıfat-isim tamlaması ve edat takımlarının manalarını çıkararak okuyun. Cümle tercümelerini yapın. En son beş defa daha dinleyin.

Parçanın Metni

Todd: OK, Christian, what is your dream job, if you could have any job in the world?
Christian: My dream job is to become a diplomat representing my country, preferably in Japan. That's why I came to Japan to learn Japanese and hopefully obtain a master degree in International Relations. After getting my master's degree in International Relations, I would like to go home and enter the diplomat school for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is a three year program, and then, after that hopefully come back to Japan and work for the Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo.
Todd: Must be pretty competitive.
Christian: It's very competitive, but I think if you know a certain language that not many people speak it gives you a competitive edge nevertheless so that's why I came to Japan because I know at this stage there are only three hundred people from Norway living in Japan and not all of them are here to study Japanese, they represent different companies or schools, or they're missionaries so, that's the track I'm on right now but we'll see how it goes in the end.
Todd: How about when you were a child, what was your dream job? Did you want to be a diplomat when you were say, 10?
Christian: No, when I was ten I probably didn't know what I wanted to do. I was just too busy playing in the street, you know, having fun with my friends and these things. When I was that young I really didn't have a dream job like fireman, police. I never really went through that stage, you know.
Todd: I wanted to be a baseball player.
Christian: Alright, fair enough.
Todd: I'm still dreaming.
Christian: Oh, that's good.
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Todd: OK, Christian, what is your dream job, if you could have any job in the world?
Christian, hayalindeki iş/meslek nedir? Dünyadaki herhangi bir işe girebilseydin (ne olurdu)?
Christian: My dream job is to become a diplomat representing my country, preferably in Japan.
Hayalimdeki iş, ülkemi temsil eden bir diplomat olmak. Tercihen de Japonya’da (diplomat olmayı isterim)
That's why I came to Japan to learn Japanese and hopefully obtain a master degree in International Relations.
Japonca öğrenmek ve uluslararası ilişkilerde mastır diploması almak için Japonya’ya gelme nedenim de bu.
After getting my master's degree in International Relations, I would like to go home and enter the diplomat school for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is a three year program,
Uluslararası ilişkilerde mastırımı yaptıktan sonra ülkeme/memleketime gidip/dönüp Dışişleri Bakanlığına ait diplomat okulunun üç yıllık programına girmek istiyorum.
and then, after that hopefully come back to Japan and work for the Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo.
Ardından umarım Japonya’ya geri dönerim ve Tokyo’da Norveç elçiliğinde çalışırım.
Todd: Must be pretty competitive.
(sanırım) baya bir rekabet olmalı (rakibin çok olsa gerek)
Christian: It's very competitive, but I think if you know a certain language that not many people speak it gives you a competitive edge nevertheless.
Baya rekabet var.  Ama bence çok kimsenin konuşamadığı/bilmediği belli bir dili bilmek kişiye avantaj sağlıyor yine de.
so that's why I came to Japan because I know at this stage there are only three hundred people from Norway living in Japan and not all of them are here to study Japanese, they represent different companies or schools, or they're missionaries so,
Zaten bu yüzden Japonya’ya geldim. Çünkü biliyorum ki şu anda Japonya’da sadece üç yüz Norveçli yaşıyor ve hepsi Japonca okumak (eğitimi) için buraya gelmedi, farklı firmaların ve okulların temsilcileriler ya da misyonerler.
that's the track I'm on right now but we'll see how it goes in the end.
şu anda izlediğim yol bu, ama sonu nereye varacak göreceğiz.
Todd: How about when you were a child, what was your dream job? Did you want to be a diplomat when you were say, 10?
Peki çocukken hayalini kurduğun iş neydi? Diyelim ki/mesela 10 yaşındayken diplomat olmayı istiyor muydun?
Christian: No, when I was ten I probably didn't know what I wanted to do.
Hayır. 10 yaşımdayken muhtemelen ne yapmak istediğimi bilmiyordum.
I was just too busy playing in the street, you know, having fun with my friends and these things.
Sadece sokaklarda oynamakla meşguldüm, bilirsin işte, arkadaşlarımla eğlenmek ve bunun gibi şeyler.
When I was that young I really didn't have a dream job like fireman, police.
O yaşlardayken gerçekten itfaiyeci veya polis olmak gibi hayalini kurduğum bir iş yoktu.
I never really went through that stage, you know.
Gerçekten böyle bir dönemden hiç geçmedim.
Todd: I wanted to be a baseball player.
Ben bir beyzbol oyuncusu olmayı istiyordum.
Christian: Alright, fair enough.
Oldukça mantıklı (seni anlayabiliyorum)
Todd: I'm still dreaming.
Hala hayalimdir.
Christian: Oh, that's good.
Çok iyi/ne güzel

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